What Does Initiated Mean on Application Status: Best Explanation


Career Consultant & Blog Writer

Published: May 24, 2023 | Updated: February 12, 2024

Have you ever come across the term “initiated” when checking the status of your application? What does initiated mean on application status? The term “initiated” mean on an application status generally indicates that your application has been successfully received and has entered the initial stages of review or processing. It suggests that your application has surpassed the initial screening phase and has progressed to the next stage of evaluation.

It’s common to feel confused or uncertain about what this status update implies. In this article, we will discuss deeply the meaning of “initiated” on application status and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its implications. Whether you’re applying for a job, a loan, or a college admission, this article will shed light on the significance of the “initiated” status and help you navigate through the application process smoothly.

Definition of “Initiated” on Application Status

When an application status is marked as “initiated,” it typically indicates that your application has been successfully received and is now in the initial stages of review or processing. This status suggests that your application has passed the initial screening phase and has progressed to the next stage in the evaluation process.

Common Application Status Updates

What Does Initiated Mean on Application Status

Understanding the different application status updates is crucial in monitoring the progress of your application. While these updates may vary across different platforms, here are some common application status terms you might come across:

  • Submitted: This status signifies that you have successfully submitted your application.
  • Received: The “received” status confirms that your application has been received by the relevant institution or organization.
  • Under Review: When your application is labeled as “under review,” it means it is being assessed by the decision-makers.
  • In Progress: The “in progress” status implies that your application is actively being worked on or reviewed.
  • Complete: When your application is marked as “complete,” it means that all necessary documents and information have been submitted, and your application is ready for evaluation.
  • Initiated: The “initiated” status, which we are focusing on in this article, indicates that your application has moved beyond the initial screening phase and is now being further reviewed or processed.

Importance of the “Initiated” Status

The “initiated” status holds significant importance as it signifies progress in your application process. It indicates that your application has met the initial criteria or requirements and has moved forward for closer consideration. While it doesn’t guarantee acceptance or approval, it does imply that your application has caught the attention of the reviewers and has the potential to move further in the evaluation process.

Possible Meanings of “Initiated”

The term “initiated” can have different interpretations depending on the context and the specific application process. Here are some possible meanings associated with the “initiated” status:

  • Under Evaluation: In certain cases, “initiated” might mean that your application is being actively evaluated by the decision-makers. This stage involves a comprehensive assessment of your qualifications, documents, or any additional requirements.
  • Processing and Verification: The “initiated” status could also indicate that your application is being processed and verified. This stage involves verifying the authenticity of the information provided, checking references, and conducting background checks if necessary.
  • Waiting for Further Action: In some instances, “initiated” might suggest that your application is awaiting further action, such as additional documents or information required to proceed with the evaluation. This stage often involves communication between the applicant and the reviewing entity.

Factors Affecting Application Status

Several factors can influence how quickly your application moves through the different status updates. Some common factors include:

Application Volume

The number of applications received by the institution or organization can impact the processing time and the duration spent at each status.

Application Complexity

The complexity of your application, such as the level of detail required or the number of supporting documents, can affect the time it takes to move from one status to another.

Institutional Processes

Different institutions or organizations may have unique internal processes and workflows, leading to variations in how quickly applications progress through the various stages.

Understanding the Application Process

To navigate the application process effectively, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and procedures. Here are some general steps involved in most application processes:

1. Research and Preparation

Begin by researching the application requirements, gathering necessary documents, and ensuring you meet the eligibility criteria.

2. Submission

Complete and submit your application through the designated platform or channel. Double-check that all required fields are filled accurately.

3. Initial Screening

After submission, the initial screening phase involves a preliminary assessment of your application to determine if it meets the minimum requirements.

4. Evaluation and Review

If your application passes the initial screening, it moves into the evaluation and review stage. This is where the decision-makers thoroughly assess your qualifications, documents, and other relevant factors.

5. Final Decision

Based on the evaluation, the reviewing entity makes a final decision on the outcome of your application. This could be acceptance, rejection, or further consideration.

Tips for Dealing with the “Initiated” Status

Receiving an “initiated” status can bring both excitement and anticipation. To navigate through this stage effectively, consider the following tips:

Tips #1: Be Patient

The application process often takes time, and each status update signifies progress. Maintain patience while your application moves through the evaluation stages.

Tips #2: Check for Updates

Regularly monitor your application status for any updates or requests for additional information. Stay informed and promptly respond to any communication from the reviewing entity.

Tips #3: Follow the Instructions

If you receive any instructions or requests from the reviewing entity, ensure you read and follow them carefully. Pay attention to deadlines and provide any requested documents or information promptly.

Tips #4: Stay Positive

It’s important to remain positive throughout the application process. Remember that an “initiated” status indicates progress, and your application is being actively considered.

Ending Words of What Does Initiated Mean on Application Status

In conclusion, the status update “initiated” on an application signifies that your application has been received and has moved past the initial screening phase. It indicates that your application is now in the process of being reviewed or processed further by the relevant institution or organization. While the exact meaning may vary depending on the context, “initiated” generally suggests progress and shows that your application has caught the attention of the reviewers.

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about What Does Initiated Mean on Application Status

What Does “Initiated” Mean on Application Status at FIU?

When considering the application status at FIU specifically, the term “initiated” signifies that your application has been received and is being processed by the university’s admission department. It implies that your application has passed the preliminary screening and is now being further reviewed.

What Does “Enrollment Status: Initiated” Mean?

The phrase “enrollment status: initiated” typically implies that your application for enrollment in a specific institution or program has been received and is in the initial stages of review. It suggests that your application has progressed beyond the submission phase and is undergoing assessment to determine your eligibility for enrollment.

How long does the “initiated” status typically last?

The duration of the “initiated” status can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the application and the institution’s internal processes.

Will the “initiated” status guarantee acceptance or approval?

The “initiated” status indicates progress in the application process but does not guarantee a final outcome. Each application is evaluated on its merits and specific criteria.