What to Put as Reason for Moving on Application: Unlocking Success


Career Consultant & Blog Writer

Published: May 16, 2023

When filling out a job application, one important question that often arises is, “What to put as reason for moving on application?” Don’t feel worried. You can put career growth, relocation, pursuing higher education, and seeking a better work-life balance as reasons for moving on the application.

This article explores the significance of providing a compelling reason for changing jobs or seeking new opportunities. It delves into common reasons individuals may have and offers tips on how to tailor those reasons to fit the job application.

Importance of Reason for Moving on Application

The reason for moving on in a job application holds great significance for both the applicant and the potential employer. It provides insight into the candidate’s motivations, goals, and compatibility with the position. Employers seek candidates who demonstrate thoughtful consideration and genuine interest in the role, making the answer to this question a crucial component of the application process.

Common Reasons for Moving on Application

Reason #1. Career Growth

One common reason for moving on is the desire for career growth. Employees often seek new opportunities that offer room for advancement, skill development, and professional enrichment. By articulating this as a reason, applicants can convey their ambition and commitment to personal and professional growth.

Reason #2. Relocation

Relocation is another valid reason individuals may have for seeking new opportunities. Whether it’s to be closer to family, pursue a different lifestyle, or explore new environments, mentioning relocation as a reason for moving on demonstrates adaptability and openness to change.

Reason #3. Pursuing Higher Education

Some individuals may choose to pursue higher education to enhance their knowledge and skills in a specific field. Mentioning this reason highlights the candidate’s dedication to self-improvement and their commitment to acquiring new qualifications that can contribute to their future success.

Reason #4. Seeking A Better Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being. If a candidate desires a better work-life balance, they can express this as their reason for moving on. Employers often value individuals who prioritize a healthy lifestyle and demonstrate the ability to manage their personal and professional commitments effectively.

Tailoring Reasons to Fit the Job Application

It is crucial to tailor the reason for moving on to align with the specific job application. By linking the reason to the desired role, candidates can showcase how the new opportunity aligns with their career objectives and what they can contribute to the organization. This customization demonstrates a genuine interest in the position and enhances the chances of standing out among other applicants.

Honesty and Transparency

While it is essential to tailor the reason for moving on, honesty and transparency should never be compromised. It is crucial to provide a truthful explanation that accurately reflects the candidate’s motivations. Employers appreciate authenticity and are likely to value genuine responses over fabricated ones.

Providing a Professional Explanation

When explaining the reason for moving on, it is essential to maintain a professional tone and approach. Clearly articulate the factors influencing your decision while showcasing enthusiasm for the new opportunity. Employers appreciate candidates who demonstrate a clear career trajectory and show how their skills and experiences align with the job requirements.

Highlighting Transferable Skills

In addition to explaining the reason for moving on, it is beneficial to highlight transferable skills that make you a strong candidate for the new role. Emphasize how your previous experiences have equipped you with valuable skills and abilities that can contribute to the success of the organization. This showcases your adaptability and value as a potential employee.


Providing a compelling reason for moving on in a job application is crucial for conveying your motivations, goals, and suitability for the position. By tailoring the reason to fit the specific job application, maintaining honesty and transparency, and highlighting transferable skills, you can enhance your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.

FAQs with Answers about What to Put as Reason for Moving on Application

What are good reasons to move out?

Pursuing higher education or attending a university in a different location.
Relocating for a new job opportunity or career advancement.
Seeking a safer or more affordable neighborhood.
Moving closer to family or loved ones.
Starting a new chapter in life, such as getting married or starting a family.
A desire for a change of scenery or a new environment.
Need for more space or better living conditions.
Escaping an unhealthy or toxic living situation.
Exploring new cultural experiences or living in a different city or country.
Following personal passions or interests, such as pursuing a hobby or a specific lifestyle.

How do you write about moving out?

When writing about moving out, it’s important to clearly express your reasons while maintaining a positive and professional tone. Here are some tips to consider:
Begin with a concise and engaging introduction that highlights your decision to move out.
Clearly state your reasons for moving, providing specific details and examples where relevant.
Emphasize the positive aspects of your decision, such as the opportunities or benefits that come with the move.
Be honest and transparent, but avoid overly negative or critical language when discussing your current living situation.
Connect your reasons for moving with your future goals and aspirations, demonstrating how the change aligns with your personal and professional growth.
Conclude by expressing gratitude for the experiences and relationships you have had in your current location and expressing excitement for the new chapter ahead.

Should I mention the negative aspects of my current job as a reason for moving on?

It is best to focus on the positive aspects of the new opportunity rather than dwelling on the negatives. Keep the explanation professional and avoid criticizing your current or previous employer.

Can I mention personal reasons for moving on in my job application?

While it is important to prioritize professional reasons, you can briefly mention personal factors that align with the job application, such as pursuing a better work-life balance or relocating for personal reasons.

How do I ensure my reason for moving on aligns with the company’s values?

Conduct thorough research on the company’s values, mission, and goals. Then, highlight how your reasons for moving on align with and support their objectives, demonstrating compatibility and enthusiasm for the role.

Is it okay to provide multiple reasons for moving on in my application?

It is generally recommended to focus on one or two primary reasons that are most relevant to the job application. Providing too many reasons may dilute your message and make it less impactful.