Applying to a Job Twice with Different Emails | What You Need To Know


Career Consultant & Blog Writer

Published: March 9, 2023 | Updated: May 23, 2024

Applying to a job twice with different emails can be a strategic move, but it also carries risks. Despite this, some job seekers may be tempted to apply for the same job position twice, using different emails. While this strategy might seem like a clever way to increase your chances of getting hired, it can have negative consequences.

In this article, we will explore the risks associated with applying to a job twice with different emails and offer some tips on how to increase your chances of getting hired without resorting to unethical tactics.

The Risks of Applying to a Job Twice with Different Emails

Applying to a job twice with different emails can seem like a clever strategy to increase your chances of being noticed, but it carries significant risks that can ultimately backfire.

Applying to a Job Twice with Different Emails

Here are some key risks and potential consequences:

Duplicate Applications

One of the most significant risks of applying to a job twice with different emails is submitting duplicate applications. When hiring managers receive multiple applications for the same job from the same candidate, it can create confusion and result in both applications being disqualified. This is especially true if the candidate’s resume and cover letter are identical in both applications.

Negative Impression on the Hiring Manager

Applying to a job twice with different emails can also create a negative impression on the hiring manager. It can make you appear unprofessional and desperate, and may even lead the hiring manager to question your integrity. This can significantly reduce your chances of getting hired, even if you are highly qualified for the position.

Reputation Damage

Another risk associated with applying to a job twice with different emails is reputation damage. If the hiring manager or company discovers that you have applied to the same job twice with different emails, it can damage your reputation and make it more challenging for you to secure future employment opportunities with that company. Additionally, if the hiring manager shares this information with other employers, it can harm your chances of getting hired elsewhere.

Perceived Dishonesty

One of the most significant risks associated with applying to a job twice using different emails is the potential for perceived dishonesty. If a hiring manager or recruiter discovers that a candidate has submitted multiple applications under different identities, it can raise red flags. This tactic might be viewed as deceptive, leading to a loss of trust and credibility.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems to streamline the hiring process. These systems are designed to detect duplicate applications, and submitting multiple applications could result in both being flagged or even automatically disqualified. An ATS might consolidate applications, which could confuse hiring managers and negatively impact the candidate’s prospects.

Confusion and Complication

Submitting multiple applications can confuse the hiring process. Different versions of a candidate’s resume might be reviewed by different people, leading to inconsistencies in the evaluation process. This can complicate the candidate’s profile and make it harder for employers to get a clear picture of their qualifications.

Ethical Considerations

Applying to a job twice with different emails raises ethical questions about honesty and transparency. While job seekers are understandably eager to secure employment, it’s important to consider the long-term implications of such tactics. Integrity is a crucial attribute in any professional setting, and starting a potential employment relationship on a questionable note can have lasting consequences.

Best Methods to Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

Applying to a Job Twice with Different Emails

While applying to a job twice with different emails is not a recommended strategy, there are several ethical ways to increase your chances of getting hired:

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

To increase your chances of getting hired, it’s essential to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This means highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position and demonstrating your passion for the company and its mission.

Follow Up After Submitting Your Application

Following up after submitting your application can also help increase your chances of getting hired. Send a polite email or make a phone call to the hiring manager to express your interest in the position and ask if there is anything else you can provide to support your application. This can show that you are enthusiastic about the job and willing to go above and beyond to secure the position.


Networking is another powerful way to increase your chances of getting hired. Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and ask for introductions to people in your desired field. This can help you build relationships with key decision-makers and increase your visibility within your industry.

Final Thoughts

Applying to a job twice with different emails might seem like a smart strategy, but it can harm your chances of getting hired. Duplicate applications, negative impressions on the hiring manager, and reputation damage are all potential risks associated with this approach. Instead, job seekers should focus on tailoring their application materials, following up after submitting their application, and networking to increase their chances of getting hired. In the end, honesty, integrity, and a well-prepared application are the best tools for securing your desired job.

FAQs about Applying to a Job Twice with Different Emails

Is it OK to apply again to the same company?

Yes, it’s generally acceptable to apply again to the same company if you see a new job posting that interests you. However, it’s important to ensure that you have made significant improvements to your resume and cover letter and that you’re not simply submitting the same application again.

What if I applied for a job and it was reposted?

If you applied for a job and it was reposted, it’s possible that the company didn’t find a suitable candidate the first time around. In this case, you may want to consider applying again, especially if you have made significant improvements to your application materials.

Can I apply for the same job twice at Google?

While it’s technically possible to apply for the same job twice at Google, it’s generally not recommended. Google’s recruiting process is highly competitive, and applying multiple times for the same job can create a negative impression on the hiring manager.

Should you email a recruiter twice?

It’s generally not necessary to email a recruiter twice, as this can come across as pushy or desperate. Instead, wait a reasonable amount of time (at least a week) after submitting your application, and then follow up once to express your continued interest in the position. If you still haven’t heard back after a follow-up email, it’s best to move on and focus on other job opportunities.