Should You Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection


Career Consultant & Blog Writer

Published: March 6, 2024

Yes, asking for feedback after job rejection is advisable. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights that contribute to your continuous improvement. It also demonstrates your resilience and commitment to self-development.

Receiving a job rejection can be a disheartening experience. The emotional toll it takes can be overwhelming, leaving many wondering about the reasons behind the decision. However, rather than dwelling on the disappointment, a proactive approach involves seeking feedback. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of asking for feedback after job rejection and how it can contribute to personal and professional growth.

Understanding Job Rejection

Job rejection is a common aspect of the job search journey. Understanding the reasons behind it is crucial for managing expectations and handling disappointment. Whether it’s a lack of specific skills, cultural fit concerns, or a highly competitive applicant pool, recognizing these factors can help individuals move forward.

The Benefits of Seeking Feedback

While the initial instinct may be to avoid revisiting the rejection, there are significant benefits to seeking feedback. Constructive criticism provides valuable insights that can lead to improvement. Embracing feedback is an essential step towards continuous learning and career development.

how do ask the reason for rejection in an interview?

Inquiring about the reasons for your rejection in a job interview is a delicate matter that requires tact and professionalism. Here’s a guide on how to ask for the reasons for rejection:

Wait for the Right Time

Avoid asking for feedback immediately after receiving the rejection. Allow some time for both you and the interviewer to process the outcome.

Craft a Polite Email

Send a polite and well-crafted email to the person who interviewed you. Use a subject line that conveys your intent, such as “Request for Feedback on Interview Process.”

Express Gratitude

Begin your email by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the position. Acknowledge the decision and remain positive.

Express Continued Interest

Reinforce your genuine interest in the company and the position, emphasizing your eagerness to learn and improve.

Ask Open-ended Questions

Pose open-ended questions that invite constructive feedback. For example, you can ask, “I appreciate the opportunity to interview for the [position]. I am genuinely interested in understanding how I can improve for future opportunities. Could you please share any insights or feedback on my interview performance?”

Be Specific

If you have specific concerns about your performance, address them in your email. For instance, you can mention, “I felt particularly passionate about [specific aspect], and I would appreciate any guidance on how I could enhance my approach in this area.”

Respect Their Time

Acknowledge the busy schedule of the interviewer and express your understanding if they are unable to provide detailed feedback. This shows respect for their time constraints.

Maintain Professionalism

Throughout the email, maintain a professional and positive tone. Avoid sounding defensive or confrontational. Remember, you’re seeking feedback for growth, not arguing the decision.

Thank Them Again

Conclude the email by thanking the interviewer once more for the opportunity and any feedback they can provide. Reiterate your respect for their decision.

Follow Up Appropriately

If you don’t receive a response after a reasonable period, consider sending a brief follow-up email expressing your continued appreciation and reiterating your interest in feedback.

Remember, the goal is to seek constructive criticism to enhance your future performance. Approach the situation with humility and a genuine willingness to learn and grow.

How do you ask for feedback from a rejected job (Sample)

Asking for feedback after a job rejection is a delicate yet valuable step in your professional development. Here’s a sample email template you can use:

Subject: Request for Feedback on [Job Position] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently received the news that I was not selected for the [Job Position] role. While I appreciate the opportunity to have interviewed for the position, I am reaching out to kindly request feedback on my application and interview.

I am genuinely interested in understanding areas where I can improve and grow professionally. Any insights you can provide regarding the decision-making process or specific aspects of my application that could be enhanced would be immensely valuable to me.

I understand that your time is valuable, and I appreciate any feedback you can share. Please feel free to be candid, as constructive criticism will aid me in refining my skills and better positioning myself for future opportunities.

Thank you for considering my request, and I appreciate the time and effort your team invested in the interview process.

Wishing you continued success in finding the ideal candidate for the role.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information

What NOT to Do When You Respond to a Job Rejection

Should You Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection

Receiving a job rejection can be disheartening, but how you respond to it is crucial for maintaining professionalism and leaving a positive impression. Here’s a list of what NOT to do when responding to a job rejection:

Don’t Respond Immediately and Emotionally

Take a moment to process the rejection before responding. Avoid sending a reactive or emotional email that you might regret later.

Avoid Being Confrontational

Refrain from expressing frustration, disappointment, or disagreement with the decision. Keep your response polite and professional.

Don’t Demand an Explanation

While it’s acceptable to seek feedback, avoid demanding an immediate and detailed explanation for the rejection. Instead, express your interest in constructive feedback.

Avoid Burning Bridges

It’s a small professional world, and industries are interconnected. Resist the temptation to burn bridges by expressing resentment or making negative comments about the company or its hiring process.

Don’t Criticize the Company

Avoid criticizing the company, its employees, or the selection process. Negative comments reflect poorly on you and maybe remembered by the hiring team.

Refrain from Sending Multiple Follow-ups

Sending repeated follow-up emails or messages seeking reconsideration can be perceived as pushy or desperate. Respect the decision and move forward.

Don’t Take it Personally

While rejection stings, remember that it’s not a personal attack. Avoid taking the rejection personally, and instead, focus on using it as an opportunity for growth.

Avoid Over-Apologizing

It’s unnecessary to apologize excessively for not being selected. Maintain your confidence and professionalism in your response.

Don’t Disregard Future Opportunities

Even if you’re disappointed, don’t close the door on potential future opportunities with the company. Express gratitude for the chance to interview and convey your continued interest in the organization.

Avoid Dwelling on the Rejection

While reflection is valuable, don’t dwell on the rejection for an extended period. Use the experience as motivation for improvement and continue your job search with a positive mindset.

Remember, how you handle job rejection reflects on your professionalism and can impact your reputation in the industry. Stay gracious, focused on improvement, and open to future opportunities.

FAQs With Answers About should you ask for feedback after job rejection

Is it unprofessional to ask for feedback after an interview?

No, it’s not unprofessional; in fact, it’s a commendable practice. Politely seeking feedback shows your commitment to improvement and your genuine interest in the role and the company.

Should you ask for feedback if you didn’t get the job?

Absolutely. Asking for feedback, even after a rejection, is a proactive step towards personal and professional development. It demonstrates your eagerness to learn and grow from the experience.

Should I reach out after being rejected for a job?

Yes, reaching out after a job rejection can be a positive gesture. Express your gratitude for the opportunity, reiterate your interest in the company, and politely inquire about the possibility of receiving feedback to aid in your future endeavors.


Asking for feedback after experiencing a job rejection is a proactive and valuable step in one’s professional journey. Rather than viewing rejection as a closed door, it should be seen as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Seeking constructive criticism not only demonstrates a commitment to personal development but also provides valuable insights that can significantly enhance future job applications.

By asking for feedback, individuals showcase resilience, a willingness to learn, and a genuine desire to understand how they can become stronger candidates in the competitive job market. The information gained from feedback becomes a tool for refining skills, improving interview performance, and aligning oneself more closely with employers’ expectations.

Embracing rejection as a stepping stone toward success and actively seeking feedback is not just a recommendation; it is a strategy for long-term career advancement. So, should you ask for feedback after job rejection? Without a doubt, yes – because every rejection is an opportunity to transform and emerge stronger in the pursuit of professional goals.