Walmart Rehire Policy After Termination | All You Need to Know


Career Consultant & Blog Writer

Published: April 30, 2023 | Updated: May 25, 2024

Have you been fired from Walmart? Do you want to know if you can be rehired? The Walmart rehire policy after termination states that if an employee was terminated for a reason other than misconduct or performance issues, they may be eligible for rehire after 60 days have passed from the date of termination. In this article, we will discuss the Walmart rehire policy after termination and everything you need to know about it.

Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world, with over 11,000 stores in 27 countries. As an employer, Walmart is known for its competitive pay, benefits, and opportunities for advancement. However, like all employers, Walmart has a termination policy for employees who violate company policies or fail to meet performance standards.

Walmart’s Rehire Policy After Termination

Walmart has a rehire policy for employees who were terminated for nonviolent offenses, such as absences or performance issues. If you were terminated for violating company policy, theft, or violence, Walmart will not rehire you. However, if you were terminated for nonviolent offenses, you may be eligible for rehire after 60 days have passed from the date of termination.

If you were terminated for nonviolent offenses, you must also meet certain eligibility criteria to be considered for rehire. These criteria include:

  • Completing any outstanding obligations to Walmart, such as returning equipment or paying back any money owed to the company.
  • No disciplinary actions on your employment record for at least six months before the termination.
  • No rehire restrictions on file with the company.
  • Availability of open positions that match your qualifications.

Reasons for Termination

Walmart Rehire Policy After Termination

Termination from Walmart can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons for termination include:

  • Violating company policies or procedures, such as theft or workplace harassment.
  • Poor performance, such as failing to meet sales goals or productivity standards.
  • Attendance issues, such as excessive absences or tardiness.
  • Insubordination, such as refusing to follow orders or comply with company policies.
  • End of seasonal or temporary employment.

If you were terminated for any of these reasons, you may be eligible for rehire if you meet the eligibility criteria outlined above.

Reapplying for a Position at Walmart

If you meet the eligibility criteria for rehire, you can reapply for a position at Walmart by submitting an online application or applying in person at your local store. When filling out your application, be sure to indicate that you were previously employed by Walmart and provide the date of your termination.

If your application is accepted, you’ll be invited to a rehire interview. During this interview, you’ll be asked about the circumstances surrounding your termination, your work history with Walmart, and your eligibility for rehire.

Preparing for a Rehire Interview

Walmart Rehire Policy After Termination

If you’re invited to a rehire interview, it’s important to prepare ahead of time to increase your chances of being rehired. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Review the reasons for your termination
  • Be prepared to explain what you learned from the experience and how you plan to avoid similar issues in the future.
  • Emphasize your positive qualities as an employee, such as your work ethic, reliability, and dedication to customer service.
  • Highlight any new skills or experiences you’ve gained since your termination that make you a stronger candidate for the position.

How to Increase Your Chances of Being Rehired

If you’re interested in being rehired by Walmart, there are several steps you can take to increase your chances of success. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain a positive attitude and a strong work ethic in your current or future employment.
  • Stay up-to-date on Walmart’s policies and procedures, so you can demonstrate your commitment to the company’s values.
  • Build a strong network of professional references who can vouch for your skills and character as an employee.
  • Consider taking additional training or education courses to develop new skills that make you a more valuable employee.
Also, read other job-related tips click here

What to Do if You’re Not Rehired

If you’re not rehired by Walmart, don’t be discouraged. Many other employers may be a good fit for your skills and experience. Here are some steps you can take if you’re not rehired:

  • Reflect on the reasons for your termination and use them as a learning experience to improve your performance and behavior in future employment.
  • Focus on building new skills and experiences that make you a more competitive candidate in the job market.
  • Seek out additional education or training opportunities to enhance your knowledge and qualifications.
  • Be persistent and proactive in your job search, and don’t give up on finding a new opportunity that’s a good fit for you.


Walmart’s rehire policy after termination provides an opportunity for employees who were terminated for nonviolent offenses to reapply for employment after 60 days. However, several eligibility criteria must be met, including completing any outstanding obligations to the company and having no disciplinary actions on your employment record for at least six months before termination. If you’re interested in being rehired by Walmart, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the company’s policies and procedures, maintain a strong work ethic, and demonstrate your commitment to the company’s values.